Meet Solomon Wilkins – CanvasRebel Magazine

Meet Solomon Wilkins

We recently connected with Solomon Wilkins and have shared our conversation below.

Solomon, appreciate you joining us today. What’s the backstory behind how you came up with the idea for your business?

The idea for Success Seekers Academy was born from countless conversations and heartfelt moments with friends, colleagues, and even strangers. People kept reaching out to me, asking how I managed to be successful in so many areas of my life—from having a strong and loving marriage, to climbing the corporate ladder, maintaining great physical shape, and even investing successfully in the stock market. Each interaction was filled with genuine curiosity and the desire to understand the principles and practices that had helped me achieve these milestones.

The context and circumstances were both challenging and inspiring. Growing up in one of Oakland’s toughest neighborhoods, I faced numerous obstacles, including my dad being killed when I was just nine years old. But overcoming these challenges shaped my character and fueled my drive. As I progressed through life, I realized that many people struggled with similar issues but didn’t have the guidance or resources to navigate them. The emotions ranged from the pain of past struggles to the joy of overcoming them, and the satisfaction of sharing what I had learned.

I knew this was a worthwhile endeavor because the demand was clear. People were seeking practical, actionable advice on how to improve various aspects of their lives. I wasn’t just solving a problem; I was addressing a universal need for guidance and mentorship in personal development, career advancement, health, and financial literacy.

The logic was simple—if my experiences and strategies could help even one person transform their life, it would be worth it. But the more I shared, the more I realized the potential to impact many lives. The unique approach I offer through Success Seekers Academy is rooted in authenticity and relatability. I don’t just share theories; I share lived experiences and actionable steps that I know work because they’ve worked for me.

What got me most excited about this idea was the possibility of creating a community of like-minded individuals striving for greatness in their own ways. The idea of empowering others to live purpose-filled lives, aligned with their values and aspirations, is incredibly fulfilling. Success Seekers Academy isn’t just a business; it’s a movement toward collective growth and empowerment.

Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers.

For those who may not have read about me before, I was born and raised in one of the toughest neighborhoods in Oakland, California, I faced numerous challenges from a young age. As I mentioned previously, when I was just nine years old, I experienced the tragic loss of my father, who was killed in a drive-by shooting, an event that shook my world and set me on a tumultuous path.

Despite these adversities, I found my way through the chaos, becoming the first male in my immediate and extended family to graduate high school and the first person to graduate college. After college, I played professional basketball for a few years before joining the working world. I eventually landed in corporate America, and for the past 17 years, I’ve held various leadership roles, spanning sales, operations leadership, and diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. I’ve also had the privilege of speaking for prestigious organizations such as Bank of America, UC Berkeley, and Kaiser Permanente to name a few.

Through my diverse career and personal experiences, I developed a passion for helping others achieve success in all areas of life. This passion led to the creation of Success Seekers Academy, where we provide coaching, consulting, and a range of self-development products designed to help individuals unlock their full potential. Our services address a variety of needs, from career advancement and personal development to financial literacy and physical well-being. What sets us apart is our holistic approach, grounded in authenticity and lived experiences, which offers practical, actionable advice.

I’m most proud of launching Success Seekers Academy to create a space for people who want more out of life. It’s incredibly fulfilling to see the positive impact we have on our clients’ lives. Additionally, I take great pride in successfully raising my family, with my oldest son attending UC Berkeley and majoring in Mechanical Engineering—a testament to the values of hard work and perseverance that we hold dear.

What I want potential clients to know about Success Seekers Academy is that we are here to support and guide you on your journey to success, no matter where you are starting from. We believe that everyone has the potential to achieve greatness, and our mission is to provide the tools, strategies, and support needed to make that a reality. Whether you’re looking to climb the corporate ladder, improve your personal well-being, or invest wisely in the stock market, we are here to help you every step of the way. Join us at Success Seekers Academy and start your journey towards a purpose-filled life today!

How about pivoting – can you share the story of a time you’ve had to pivot?

One of the most significant pivots in my life happened when I was laid off from my corporate job. At the time, I was serving as a VP of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging. Losing my job was a shocking and humbling experience, one that forced me to reevaluate my career and life direction.

In the midst of this uncertainty, I realized that this setback was also an opportunity—a chance to build something meaningful that could make a lasting impact. People had always reached out to me for advice on achieving success in various areas of life. Whether it was about maintaining a successful marriage, advancing in their careers, staying in great physical shape, or making wise investments, the questions kept coming. I saw this as a sign that there was a genuine need for guidance and mentorship.

This realization led to the creation of Success Seekers Academy. I wanted to provide a space where individuals could receive the support and tools they needed to achieve their goals and live purpose-filled lives. Our Academy offers coaching, consulting, and self-development products tailored to help people unlock their full potential. What sets us apart is our holistic approach, grounded in authenticity and real-life experiences.

Starting Success Seekers Academy was a pivotal moment for me. It allowed me to turn a challenging situation into an opportunity to help others. This journey has been incredibly rewarding, and I’m proud of the impact we’ve had on our clients’ lives.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this experience, it’s that setbacks can be powerful catalysts for growth and transformation. My story is a testament to the idea that when one door closes, another opens, often leading to greater opportunities.

How do you keep your team’s morale high?

When it comes to managing a team and maintaining high morale, one key piece of advice I always give is to make it all about the people. It’s crucial to find out what your team cares about and what’s important to them. Everyone has different motivations and aspirations, so taking the time to understand these can make all the difference. Once you identify what they care about, be intentional about how you show you care.

For example, if you learn that someone on your team values work-life balance, be flexible with their schedule. If another team member is passionate about professional development, provide opportunities for training and growth. The goal is to tailor your approach to meet the unique needs and desires of each individual.

Beyond that, communication is key. Regular check-ins and open lines of communication help to build trust and transparency. Celebrate successes, both big and small, to show appreciation and keep spirits high. And when challenges arise, face them together as a team. A unified approach can turn obstacles into opportunities for bonding and growth.

Creating a positive and supportive work environment is also essential. Encourage collaboration and foster a culture where everyone feels valued and heard. This not only boosts morale but also drives innovation and productivity. A happy team is a productive team, and when people feel valued, they’re more likely to go above and beyond in their roles, and they’re likely to stay longer, decreasing employee turnover and increasing belonging.

At Success Seekers Academy, we’re all about building a strong, cohesive team. We believe in empowering our team members to take ownership of their work and providing them with the resources and support they need to succeed. By prioritizing our team’s well-being and professional growth, we’ve created a dynamic and motivated workforce.

If you’re looking for a place where your contributions are valued, and your personal and professional growth is supported, Success Seekers Academy is the place for you. We’re more than just a team—we’re a community dedicated to helping each other achieve our best. Join us, and let’s succeed together!

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Image Credits

Darrin Baldridge for the main picture.

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